The Year is Marching on…

February 2023 Monthly Recap image White brick wall with watercolor rainbow gradient and Design Duck Studio Logo

The year is marching on…see what I did there?

Okay, you may not find that as funny as I did, but can you believe it’s March already? I know I can’t and as usual I feel way behind on everything.

I’m trying to be more positive, so let’s focus on what I have accomplished in the last 4 weeks.

I’ve been way more active on Instagram, so be sure to go check that out. I’m hoping to turn some of those post into blogs so I can get more in depth on some of the info but first I have other things to get through first.

Celtic Cross with Colorful Stylized Roses on Design Duck Brick Wall

I did get my Celtic Cross up on my Etsy store as a digital download and on Red Bubble to be ordered on a ton of different products. I do think it worth noting that I’ve designed the coffee mug to have the design on both sides of the cup so it’s showing no matter how you hold it. Just one of those things I find important that it’s possible no one else in the world does.

This makes a great gift for baptisms and confirmations or if you just have a friend who enjoys Celtic-inspired designs.

For more information about the design, you can read here.

The next thing I’m trying to get up on my Etsy store is this monogram, but because it’s a more complex process than some of my other custom products, I’m trying to work out the best way of doing it. I really love how it turned out and want to offer it, but because of the amount of time involved in making it just right, I have to think through every step and determine cost and time. I’m hoping to get it up this month though so keep an eye out for it.

The big focus for March will be painting cards that are ready to order for various appreciation days coming up, including Administrative Assistants (April 26), Principal s (May 1), Teachers (May 9) and School Nurses (May 10). If you need any of those, I’ll be sure to share when I have some stock up and ready for you.

How is your year going? Are you accomplishing what you hoped to?

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